Source code for chainerrl.links.noisy_chain

"""Noisy Networks


import chainer
from chainer.links import Linear

from chainerrl.links.noisy_linear import FactorizedNoisyLinear
from chainerrl.links.sequence import Sequence

[docs]def to_factorized_noisy(link, *args, **kwargs): """Add noisiness to components of given link Currently this function supports L.Linear (with and without bias) """ def func_to_factorized_noisy(link): if isinstance(link, Linear): return FactorizedNoisyLinear(link, *args, **kwargs) else: return link _map_links(func_to_factorized_noisy, link)
def _map_links(func, link): if isinstance(link, chainer.Chain): children_names = link._children.copy() for name in children_names: child = getattr(link, name) new_child = func(child) if new_child is child: _map_links(func, child) else: delattr(link, name) with link.init_scope(): setattr(link, name, new_child) elif isinstance(link, chainer.ChainList): children = link._children for i in range(len(children)): child = children[i] new_child = func(child) if new_child is child: _map_links(func, child) else: # mimic ChainList.add_link children[i] = new_child children[i].name = str(i) if isinstance(link, Sequence): _replace_unique_item(link.layers, child, new_child) # Check chainer.Sequential if it exists. sequential_class = getattr(chainer, 'Sequential', ()) if isinstance(link, sequential_class): _replace_unique_item(link._layers, child, new_child) def _replace_unique_item(xs, old, new): indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(xs) if x is old] assert len(indices) == 1 xs[indices[0]] = new