Source code for chainerrl.agents.iqn

import chainer
from chainer import cuda
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L

from chainerrl.action_value import QuantileDiscreteActionValue
from chainerrl.agents import dqn
from chainerrl.links import StatelessRecurrentChainList

def cosine_basis_functions(x, n_basis_functions=64):
    """Cosine basis functions used to embed quantile thresholds.

        x (ndarray): Input.
        n_basis_functions (int): Number of cosine basis functions.

        ndarray: Embedding with shape of (x.shape + (n_basis_functions,)).
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(x)
    # Equation (4) in the IQN paper has an error stating i=0,...,n-1.
    # Actually i=1,...,n is correct (personal communication)
    i_pi = xp.arange(1, n_basis_functions + 1, dtype=xp.float32) * xp.pi
    embedding = xp.cos(x[..., None] * i_pi)
    assert embedding.shape == x.shape + (n_basis_functions,)
    return embedding

class CosineBasisLinear(chainer.Chain):

    """Linear layer following cosine basis functions.

        n_basis_functions (int): Number of cosine basis functions.
        out_size (int): Output size.

    def __init__(self, n_basis_functions, out_size):
        with self.init_scope():
            self.linear = L.Linear(n_basis_functions, out_size)
        self.n_basis_functions = n_basis_functions
        self.out_size = out_size

    def __call__(self, x):

            x (ndarray): Input.

            chainer.Variable: Output with shape of (x.shape + (out_size,)).
        h = cosine_basis_functions(x, self.n_basis_functions)
        h = F.reshape(h, (-1, self.n_basis_functions))
        out = self.linear(h)
        out = F.reshape(out, x.shape + (self.out_size,))
        return out

def _evaluate_psi_x_with_quantile_thresholds(psi_x, phi, f, taus):
    assert psi_x.ndim == 2
    batch_size, hidden_size = psi_x.shape
    assert taus.ndim == 2
    assert taus.shape[0] == batch_size
    n_taus = taus.shape[1]
    phi_taus = phi(taus)
    assert phi_taus.ndim == 3
    assert phi_taus.shape == (batch_size, n_taus, hidden_size)
    psi_x_b = F.broadcast_to(
        F.expand_dims(psi_x, axis=1), phi_taus.shape)
    h = psi_x_b * phi_taus
    h = F.reshape(h, (-1, hidden_size))
    assert h.shape == (batch_size * n_taus, hidden_size)
    h = f(h)
    assert h.ndim == 2
    assert h.shape[0] == batch_size * n_taus
    n_actions = h.shape[-1]
    h = F.reshape(h, (batch_size, n_taus, n_actions))
    return QuantileDiscreteActionValue(h)

class ImplicitQuantileQFunction(chainer.Chain):

    """Implicit quantile network-based Q-function.

        psi (chainer.Link): Callable link
            (batch_size, obs_size) -> (batch_size, hidden_size).
        phi (chainer.Link): Callable link
            (batch_size, n_taus) -> (batch_size, n_taus, hidden_size).
        f (chainer.Link): Callable link
            (batch_size * n_taus, hidden_size)
            -> (batch_size * n_taus, n_actions).

        QuantileDiscreteActionValue: Action values.

    def __init__(self, psi, phi, f):
        with self.init_scope():
            self.psi = psi
            self.phi = phi
            self.f = f

    def __call__(self, x):
        """Evaluate given observations.

            x (ndarray): Batch of observations.
            callable: (batch_size, taus) -> (batch_size, taus, n_actions)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        psi_x = self.psi(x)
        assert psi_x.ndim == 2
        assert psi_x.shape[0] == batch_size

        def evaluate_with_quantile_thresholds(taus):
            return _evaluate_psi_x_with_quantile_thresholds(
                psi_x, self.phi, self.f, taus)

        return evaluate_with_quantile_thresholds

class StatelessRecurrentImplicitQuantileQFunction(

    """Recurrent implicit quantile network-based Q-function.

        psi (chainer.Link): Link that implements
            (batch_size, obs_size) -> (batch_size, hidden_size).
        phi (chainer.Link): Callable link
            (batch_size, n_taus) -> (batch_size, n_taus, hidden_size).
        f (chainer.Link): Callable link
            (batch_size * n_taus, hidden_size)
            -> (batch_size * n_taus, n_actions).

        ImplicitQuantileDiscreteActionValue: Action values.

    def __init__(self, psi, phi, f):
        super().__init__(psi, phi, f)
        self.psi = psi
        self.phi = phi
        self.f = f

    def n_step_forward(self, x, recurrent_state, output_mode):
        """Evaluate given observations.

            x (ndarray): Batch of observations.
            callable: (batch_size, taus) -> (batch_size, taus, n_actions)
        assert output_mode == 'concat'
        if recurrent_state is not None:
            recurrent_state, = recurrent_state
        psi_x, recurrent_state = self.psi.n_step_forward(
            x, recurrent_state, output_mode='concat')
        assert psi_x.ndim == 2

        def evaluate_with_quantile_thresholds(taus):
            return _evaluate_psi_x_with_quantile_thresholds(
                psi_x, self.phi, self.f, taus)

        return evaluate_with_quantile_thresholds, (recurrent_state,)

def _unwrap_variable(x):
    if isinstance(x, chainer.Variable):
        return x.array
        return x

def compute_eltwise_huber_quantile_loss(y, t, taus, huber_loss_threshold=1.0):
    """Compute elementwise Huber losses for quantile regression.

    This is based on Algorithm 1 of

    This function assumes that, both of the two kinds of quantile thresholds,
    taus (used to compute y) and taus_prime (used to compute t) are iid samples
    from U([0,1]).

        y (chainer.Variable): Quantile prediction from taus as a
            (batch_size, N)-shaped array.
        t (chainer.Variable or ndarray): Target values for quantile regression
            as a (batch_size, N_prime)-array.
        taus (ndarray): Quantile thresholds used to compute y as a
            (batch_size, N)-shaped array.
        huber_loss_threshold (float): Threshold of Huber loss. In the IQN
            paper, this is denoted by kappa.

        chainer.Variable: Loss (batch_size, N, N_prime)
    assert y.shape == taus.shape
    # (batch_size, N) -> (batch_size, N, 1)
    y = F.expand_dims(y, axis=2)
    # (batch_size, N_prime) -> (batch_size, 1, N_prime)
    t = F.expand_dims(t, axis=1)
    # (batch_size, N) -> (batch_size, N, 1)
    taus = F.expand_dims(taus, axis=2)
    # Broadcast to (batch_size, N, N_prime)
    y, t, taus = F.broadcast(y, t, taus)
    I_delta = ((t.array - y.array) > 0).astype('f')
    eltwise_huber_loss = F.huber_loss(
        y, t, delta=huber_loss_threshold, reduce='no')
    eltwise_loss = abs(taus - I_delta) * eltwise_huber_loss
    return eltwise_loss

def compute_value_loss(eltwise_loss, batch_accumulator='mean'):
    """Compute a loss for value prediction problem.

        eltwise_loss (Variable): Element-wise loss per example
        batch_accumulator (str): 'mean' or 'sum'. 'mean' will use the mean of
            the loss values in a batch. 'sum' will use the sum.
        (Variable) scalar loss
    assert batch_accumulator in ('mean', 'sum')
    assert eltwise_loss.ndim == 3

    if batch_accumulator == 'sum':
        # mean over N_prime, then sum over (batch_size, N)
        loss = F.sum(F.mean(eltwise_loss, axis=2))
        # mean over (batch_size, N_prime), then sum over N
        loss = F.sum(F.mean(eltwise_loss, axis=(0, 2)))

    return loss

def compute_weighted_value_loss(eltwise_loss, weights,
    """Compute a loss for value prediction problem.

        eltwise_loss (Variable): Element-wise loss per example
        weights (ndarray): Weights for y, t.
        batch_accumulator (str): 'mean' will divide loss by batchsize
        (Variable) scalar loss
    batch_size = eltwise_loss.shape[0]
    assert batch_accumulator in ('mean', 'sum')
    assert eltwise_loss.ndim == 3
    # eltwise_loss is (batchsize, n , n') array of losses
    # weights is an array of shape (batch_size)
    # apply weights per example in batch
    loss_sum = F.matmul(F.sum(F.mean(eltwise_loss, axis=2), axis=1), weights)
    if batch_accumulator == 'mean':
        loss = loss_sum / batch_size
    elif batch_accumulator == 'sum':
        loss = loss_sum
    return loss

[docs]class IQN(dqn.DQN): """Implicit Quantile Networks. See Args: quantile_thresholds_N (int): Number of quantile thresholds used in quantile regression. quantile_thresholds_N_prime (int): Number of quantile thresholds used to sample from the return distribution at the next state. quantile_thresholds_K (int): Number of quantile thresholds used to compute greedy actions. act_deterministically (bool): IQN's action selection is by default stochastic as it samples quantile thresholds every time it acts, even for evaluation. If this option is set to True, it uses equally spaced quantile thresholds instead of randomly sampled ones for evaluation, making its action selection deterministic. For other arguments, see chainerrl.agents.DQN. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # N=N'=64 and K=32 were used in the IQN paper's experiments # (personal communication) self.quantile_thresholds_N = kwargs.pop('quantile_thresholds_N', 64) self.quantile_thresholds_N_prime = kwargs.pop( 'quantile_thresholds_N_prime', 64) self.quantile_thresholds_K = kwargs.pop('quantile_thresholds_K', 32) self.act_deterministically = kwargs.pop('act_deterministically', False) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _compute_target_values(self, exp_batch): """Compute a batch of target return distributions. Returns: chainer.Variable: (batch_size, N_prime). """ batch_next_state = exp_batch['next_state'] batch_size = len(exp_batch['reward']) taus_tilde = self.xp.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(batch_size, self.quantile_thresholds_K)).astype('f') if self.recurrent: target_next_tau2av, _ = self.target_model.n_step_forward( batch_next_state, exp_batch['next_recurrent_state'], output_mode='concat', ) else: target_next_tau2av = self.target_model(batch_next_state) greedy_actions = target_next_tau2av(taus_tilde).greedy_actions taus_prime = self.xp.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(batch_size, self.quantile_thresholds_N_prime)).astype('f') target_next_maxz = target_next_tau2av( taus_prime).evaluate_actions_as_quantiles(greedy_actions) batch_rewards = exp_batch['reward'] batch_terminal = exp_batch['is_state_terminal'] batch_discount = exp_batch['discount'] assert batch_rewards.shape == (batch_size,) assert batch_terminal.shape == (batch_size,) assert batch_discount.shape == (batch_size,) batch_rewards = F.broadcast_to( batch_rewards[..., None], target_next_maxz.shape) batch_terminal = F.broadcast_to( batch_terminal[..., None], target_next_maxz.shape) batch_discount = F.broadcast_to( batch_discount[..., None], target_next_maxz.shape) return (batch_rewards + batch_discount * (1.0 - batch_terminal) * target_next_maxz) def _compute_y_and_taus(self, exp_batch): """Compute a batch of predicted return distributions. Returns: chainer.Variable: Predicted return distributions. (batch_size, N). """ batch_size = exp_batch['reward'].shape[0] # Compute Q-values for current states batch_state = exp_batch['state'] # (batch_size, n_actions, n_atoms) if self.recurrent: tau2av, _ = self.model.n_step_forward( batch_state, exp_batch['recurrent_state'], output_mode='concat', ) else: tau2av = self.model(batch_state) taus = self.xp.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(batch_size, self.quantile_thresholds_N)).astype('f') av = tau2av(taus) batch_actions = exp_batch['action'] y = av.evaluate_actions_as_quantiles(batch_actions) return y, taus def _compute_loss(self, exp_batch, errors_out=None): """Compute a loss. Returns: Returns: chainer.Variable: Scalar loss. """ y, taus = self._compute_y_and_taus(exp_batch) with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): t = self._compute_target_values(exp_batch) eltwise_loss = compute_eltwise_huber_quantile_loss(y, t, taus) if errors_out is not None: del errors_out[:] delta = F.mean(eltwise_loss, axis=(1, 2)) errors_out.extend(cuda.to_cpu(delta.array)) if 'weights' in exp_batch: return compute_weighted_value_loss( eltwise_loss, exp_batch['weights'], batch_accumulator=self.batch_accumulator) else: return compute_value_loss( eltwise_loss, batch_accumulator=self.batch_accumulator) def _evaluate_model_and_update_recurrent_states(self, batch_obs, test): batch_xs = self.batch_states(batch_obs, self.xp, self.phi) if self.recurrent: if test: tau2av, self.test_recurrent_states = self.model( batch_xs, self.test_recurrent_states) else: self.train_prev_recurrent_states = self.train_recurrent_states tau2av, self.train_recurrent_states = self.model( batch_xs, self.train_recurrent_states) else: tau2av = self.model(batch_xs) if test and self.act_deterministically: # Instead of uniform sampling, use a deterministic sequence of # equally spaced numbers from 0 to 1 as quantile thresholds. taus_tilde = self.xp.broadcast_to( self.xp.linspace( 0, 1, num=self.quantile_thresholds_K, dtype=self.xp.float32), (len(batch_obs), self.quantile_thresholds_K), ) else: taus_tilde = self.xp.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(len(batch_obs), self.quantile_thresholds_K)).astype('f') return tau2av(taus_tilde)