Source code for chainerrl.policies.gaussian_policy

from logging import getLogger

import chainer
from chainer import functions as F
from chainer.initializers import LeCunNormal
from chainer import links as L
import numpy as np

from chainerrl import distribution
from chainerrl.functions.bound_by_tanh import bound_by_tanh
from chainerrl import links
from chainerrl.policy import Policy

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FCGaussianPolicy(chainer.ChainList, Policy): """Gaussian policy that consists of fully-connected layers. This model has two output layers: the mean layer and the variance layer. The mean of the Gaussian is computed as follows: Let y as the output of the mean layer. If bound_mean=False: mean = y (if bound_mean=False) If bound_mean=True: mean = min_action + tanh(y) * (max_action - min_action) / 2 The variance of the Gaussian is computed as follows: Let y as the output of the variance layer. variance = softplus(y) + min_var Args: n_input_channels (int): Number of input channels. action_size (int): Number of dimensions of the action space. n_hidden_layers (int): Number of hidden layers. n_hidden_channels (int): Number of hidden channels. min_action (ndarray): Minimum action. Used only when bound_mean=True. max_action (ndarray): Maximum action. Used only when bound_mean=True. var_type (str): Type of parameterization of variance. It must be 'spherical' or 'diagonal'. nonlinearity (callable): Nonlinearity placed between layers. mean_wscale (float): Scale of weight initialization of the mean layer. var_wscale (float): Scale of weight initialization of the variance layer. var_bias (float): The initial value of the bias parameter for the variance layer. min_var (float): Minimum value of the variance. """ def __init__(self, n_input_channels, action_size, n_hidden_layers=0, n_hidden_channels=None, min_action=None, max_action=None, bound_mean=False, var_type='spherical', nonlinearity=F.relu, mean_wscale=1, var_wscale=1, var_bias=0, min_var=0): self.n_input_channels = n_input_channels self.action_size = action_size self.n_hidden_layers = n_hidden_layers self.n_hidden_channels = n_hidden_channels self.min_action = min_action self.max_action = max_action self.bound_mean = bound_mean self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.min_var = min_var var_size = {'spherical': 1, 'diagonal': action_size}[var_type] self.hidden_layers = [] if n_hidden_layers > 0: self.hidden_layers.append( L.Linear(n_input_channels, n_hidden_channels)) for _ in range(n_hidden_layers - 1): self.hidden_layers.append( L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, n_hidden_channels)) self.mean_layer = L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, action_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(mean_wscale)) self.var_layer = L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, var_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(var_wscale), initial_bias=var_bias) else: self.mean_layer = L.Linear(n_input_channels, action_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(mean_wscale)) self.var_layer = L.Linear(n_input_channels, var_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(var_wscale), initial_bias=var_bias) super().__init__( self.mean_layer, self.var_layer, *self.hidden_layers) def compute_mean_and_var(self, x): h = x for layer in self.hidden_layers: h = self.nonlinearity(layer(h)) mean = self.mean_layer(h) if self.bound_mean: mean = bound_by_tanh(mean, self.min_action, self.max_action) var = F.broadcast_to(F.softplus(self.var_layer(h)), mean.shape) + \ self.min_var return mean, var def __call__(self, x): mean, var = self.compute_mean_and_var(x) return distribution.GaussianDistribution(mean, var=var)
[docs]class FCGaussianPolicyWithStateIndependentCovariance( chainer.Chain, Policy): """Gaussian policy that consists of FC layers with parametrized covariance. This model has one output layers: the mean layer. The mean of the Gaussian is computed in the same way as FCGaussianPolicy. Args: n_input_channels (int): Number of input channels. action_size (int): Number of dimensions of the action space. n_hidden_layers (int): Number of hidden layers. n_hidden_channels (int): Number of hidden channels. min_action (ndarray): Minimum action. Used only when bound_mean=True. max_action (ndarray): Maximum action. Used only when bound_mean=True. var_type (str): Type of parameterization of variance. It must be 'spherical' or 'diagonal'. nonlinearity (callable): Nonlinearity placed between layers. mean_wscale (float): Scale of weight initialization of the mean layer. var_func (callable): Callable that computes the variance from the var parameter. It should always return positive values. var_param_init (float): Initial value the var parameter. """ def __init__(self, n_input_channels, action_size, n_hidden_layers=0, n_hidden_channels=None, min_action=None, max_action=None, bound_mean=False, var_type='spherical', nonlinearity=F.relu, mean_wscale=1, var_func=F.softplus, var_param_init=0, ): self.n_input_channels = n_input_channels self.action_size = action_size self.n_hidden_layers = n_hidden_layers self.n_hidden_channels = n_hidden_channels self.min_action = min_action self.max_action = max_action self.bound_mean = bound_mean self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity self.var_func = var_func var_size = {'spherical': 1, 'diagonal': action_size}[var_type] layers = [] layers.append(L.Linear(n_input_channels, n_hidden_channels)) for _ in range(n_hidden_layers - 1): layers.append(self.nonlinearity) layers.append(L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, n_hidden_channels)) layers.append(self.nonlinearity) # The last layer is used to compute the mean layers.append( L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, action_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(mean_wscale))) if self.bound_mean: layers.append(lambda x: bound_by_tanh( x, self.min_action, self.max_action)) super().__init__() with self.init_scope(): self.hidden_layers = links.Sequence(*layers) self.var_param = chainer.Parameter( initializer=var_param_init, shape=(var_size,)) def __call__(self, x): mean = self.hidden_layers(x) var = F.broadcast_to(self.var_func(self.var_param), mean.shape) return distribution.GaussianDistribution(mean, var)
[docs]class FCGaussianPolicyWithFixedCovariance(links.Sequence, Policy): """Gaussian policy that consists of FC layers with fixed covariance. This model has one output layers: the mean layer. The mean of the Gaussian is computed in the same way as FCGaussianPolicy. The variance of the Gaussian must be specified as an argument. Args: n_input_channels (int): Number of input channels. action_size (int): Number of dimensions of the action space. var (float or ndarray): Variance of the Gaussian distribution. n_hidden_layers (int): Number of hidden layers. n_hidden_channels (int): Number of hidden channels. min_action (ndarray): Minimum action. Used only when bound_mean=True. max_action (ndarray): Maximum action. Used only when bound_mean=True. nonlinearity (callable): Nonlinearity placed between layers. mean_wscale (float): Scale of weight initialization of the mean layer. """ def __init__(self, n_input_channels, action_size, var, n_hidden_layers=0, n_hidden_channels=None, min_action=None, max_action=None, bound_mean=False, nonlinearity=F.relu, mean_wscale=1): self.n_input_channels = n_input_channels self.action_size = action_size self.n_hidden_layers = n_hidden_layers self.n_hidden_channels = n_hidden_channels self.min_action = min_action self.max_action = max_action self.bound_mean = bound_mean self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity if np.isscalar(var): self.var = np.full(action_size, var, dtype=np.float32) else: self.var = var layers = [] if n_hidden_layers > 0: # Input to hidden layers.append(L.Linear(n_input_channels, n_hidden_channels)) layers.append(self.nonlinearity) for _ in range(n_hidden_layers - 1): # Hidden to hidden layers.append(L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, n_hidden_channels)) layers.append(self.nonlinearity) # The last layer is used to compute the mean layers.append( L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, action_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(mean_wscale))) else: # There's only one layer for computing the mean layers.append( L.Linear(n_input_channels, action_size, initialW=LeCunNormal(mean_wscale))) if self.bound_mean: layers.append(lambda x: bound_by_tanh( x, self.min_action, self.max_action)) def get_var_array(shape): self.var = self.xp.asarray(self.var) return self.xp.broadcast_to(self.var, shape) layers.append(lambda x: distribution.GaussianDistribution( x, get_var_array(x.shape))) super().__init__(*layers)
[docs]class GaussianHeadWithStateIndependentCovariance(chainer.Chain): """Gaussian head with state-independent learned covariance. This link is intended to be attached to a neural network that outputs the mean of a Gaussian policy. The only learnable parameter this link has determines the variance in a state-independent way. State-independent parameterization of the variance of a Gaussian policy is often used with PPO and TRPO, e.g., in Args: action_size (int): Number of dimensions of the action space. var_type (str): Type of parameterization of variance. It must be 'spherical' or 'diagonal'. var_func (callable): Callable that computes the variance from the var parameter. It should always return positive values. var_param_init (float): Initial value the var parameter. """ def __init__( self, action_size, var_type='spherical', var_func=F.softplus, var_param_init=0, ): self.var_func = var_func var_size = {'spherical': 1, 'diagonal': action_size}[var_type] super().__init__() with self.init_scope(): self.var_param = chainer.Parameter( initializer=var_param_init, shape=(var_size,)) def __call__(self, mean): """Return a Gaussian with given mean. Args: mean (chainer.Variable or ndarray): Mean of Gaussian. Returns: chainerrl.distribution.Distribution: Gaussian whose mean is the mean argument and whose variance is computed from the parameter of this link. """ var = F.broadcast_to(self.var_func(self.var_param), mean.shape) return distribution.GaussianDistribution(mean, var)