Source code for chainerrl.links.stateless_recurrent

from cached_property import cached_property
import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L
import numpy as np

def split_one_step_batch_input(xs):
    """Split one-step batch input.

        xs (chainer.Variable, ndarray or tuple): One-step batched input. It
            should be either:
                - a variable whose first axis is the batch axis.
                - a tuple of such variables.

        list: Either a list of variables or a list of tuples of varialbes.
            The length of the list is the batch size of the input.
    if isinstance(xs, tuple):
        return list(zip(*[split_one_step_batch_input(x) for x in xs]))
        return list(F.split_axis(xs, len(xs), axis=0))

[docs]class StatelessRecurrent(object): """Stateless recurrent link interface. This class defines the interface of a recurrent link ChainerRL can handle. In most casese, you can just use ChainerRL's existing containers like `chainerrl.links.StatelessRecurrentChainList`, `chainerrl.links.StatelessRecurrentSequential`, and `chainerrl.links.StatelessRecurrentBranched` to define a recurrent link. You can use Chainer's recurrent links such as L.NStepLSTM inside the containers. To write your own recurrent link, you need to implement the interface. """
[docs] def n_step_forward(self, x, recurrent_state): """Multi-step batch forward computation. This method sequentially applies layers as chainer.Sequential does. Args: x (list): Input sequences. Each sequence should be a variable whose first axis corresponds to time or a tuple of such variables. recurrent_state (object): Batched recurrent state. If set to None, it is initialized. output_mode (str): If set to 'concat', the output value is concatenated into a single large batch, which can be suitable for loss computation. If set to 'split', the output value is a list of output sequences. Returns: object: Output sequences. See the description of the `output_mode` argument. object: New batched recurrent state. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, x, recurrent_state): """One-step batch forward computation. Args: x (chainer.Variable, ndarray, or tuple): One-step batched input. recurrent_state (object): Batched recurrent state. Returns: chainer.Variable, ndarray, or tuple: One-step batched output. object: New batched recurrent state. """ assert isinstance(x, (chainer.Variable, self.xp.ndarray)) return self.n_step_forward( split_one_step_batch_input(x), recurrent_state, output_mode='concat', )
[docs] def mask_recurrent_state_at(self, recurrent_state, indices): """Return a recurrent state masked at given indices. This method can be used to initialize a recurrent state only for a certain sequence, not all the sequences. Args: recurrent_state (object): Batched recurrent state. indices (int or array-like of ints): Which recurrent state to mask. Returns: object: New batched recurrent state. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_recurrent_state_at(self, recurrent_state, indices): """Get a recurrent state at given indices. This method can be used to save a recurrent state so that you can reuse it when you replay past sequences. Args: indices (int or array-like of ints): Which recurrent state to get. Returns: object: Recurrent state of given indices. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def concatenate_recurrent_states(self, split_recurrent_states): """Concatenate recurrent states into a batch. This method can be used to make a batched recurrent state from separate recurrent states obtained via the `get_recurrent_state_at` method. Args: split_recurrent_states (object): Recurrent states to concatenate. Returns: object: Batched recurrent_state. """ raise NotImplementedError
def is_recurrent_link(layer): """Return True iff a given layer is recurrent and supported by ChainerRL. Args: layer (callable): Any callable object. Returns: bool: True iff a given layer is recurrent and supported by ChainerRL. """ return isinstance(layer, ( L.NStepLSTM, L.NStepGRU, L.NStepRNNReLU, L.NStepRNNTanh, StatelessRecurrent, )) def split_batched_sequences(xs, sections): """Split concatenated sequences. Args: xs (chainer.Variable, ndarray or tuple): Concatenated sequences. sections (array-like): Sections as indices indicating start positions of sequences. Returns: list: List of sequences. """ if isinstance(xs, tuple): return list(zip(*[split_batched_sequences(x, sections) for x in xs])) else: return list(F.split_axis(xs, sections, axis=0)) def concatenate_sequences(sequences): """Concatenate sequences. Args: sequences (list): List of sequences. The following two cases are supported: - (a) Each sequence is a Variable or ndarray. - (b) Each sequence is tuple of a Variable or ndarray. Returns: chainer.Variable, ndarray or tuple: Concatenated sequences. """ if isinstance(sequences[0], tuple): tuple_size = len(sequences[0]) return tuple( F.concat([seq[i] for seq in sequences], axis=0) for i in range(tuple_size)) raise NotImplementedError else: return F.concat(sequences, axis=0) def call_recurrent_link(link, sequences, recurrent_state, output_mode): """Call a recurrent link following the interface of `StatelessRecurrent`. Args: link (chainer.Link): Recurrent link. sequences, recurrent_state, output_mode: See the docstring of `StatelessRecurrent.n_step_forward`. Returns: object: Output sequences. See the docstring of `StatelessRecurrent.n_step_forward`. object: New batched recurrent state. """ assert isinstance(link, chainer.Link) assert isinstance(sequences, list) if isinstance(link, L.NStepLSTM): if recurrent_state is None: h = None c = None else: h, c = recurrent_state h, c, sequences = link(h, c, sequences) if output_mode == 'concat': sequences = concatenate_sequences(sequences) return sequences, (h, c) if isinstance(link, (L.NStepGRU, L.NStepRNNReLU, L.NStepRNNTanh)): h = recurrent_state h, sequences = link(h, sequences) if output_mode == 'concat': sequences = concatenate_sequences(sequences) return sequences, h if isinstance(link, StatelessRecurrent): return link.n_step_forward( sequences, recurrent_state, output_mode=output_mode) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a recurrent link'.format(link)) def mask_recurrent_states_of_links_at(links, recurrent_states, indices): if recurrent_states is None: return None assert len(links) == len(recurrent_states) return [mask_recurrent_state_at(link, rs, indices) for link, rs in zip(links, recurrent_states)] def get_recurrent_states_of_links_at( links, recurrent_states, indices, unwrap_variable): if recurrent_states is None: return [None] * len(links) assert len(links) == len(recurrent_states) return [get_recurrent_state_at(link, rs, indices, unwrap_variable) for link, rs in zip(links, recurrent_states)] def concatenate_recurrent_states_of_links(links, split_recurrent_states): assert split_recurrent_states is not None # Replace None with a list of None split_recurrent_states = list(split_recurrent_states) for i, srs in enumerate(split_recurrent_states): if srs is None: split_recurrent_states[i] = [None] * len(links) else: assert len(srs) == len(links) # Transpose first two axes of (batch_size, n_recurrent_links, ...) transposed = list(zip(*split_recurrent_states)) assert len(links) == len(transposed) return [concatenate_recurrent_states(link, srs) for link, srs in zip(links, transposed)] def mask_recurrent_state_at(link, recurrent_state, indices): if recurrent_state is None: return None if isinstance(link, L.NStepLSTM): h, c = recurrent_state # shape: (n_layers, batch_size, out_size) assert h.ndim == 3 assert c.ndim == 3 mask = link.xp.ones_like(h.array) mask[:, indices] = 0 c = c * mask h = h * mask return (h, c) if isinstance(link, (L.NStepGRU, L.NStepRNNReLU, L.NStepRNNTanh)): h = recurrent_state # shape: (n_layers, batch_size, out_size) assert h.ndim == 3 mask = link.xp.ones_like(h.array) mask[:, indices] = 0 h = h * mask return h if isinstance(link, StatelessRecurrent): return link.mask_recurrent_state_at(recurrent_state, indices) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a recurrent link'.format(link)) def get_recurrent_state_at(link, recurrent_state, indices, unwrap_variable): if recurrent_state is None: return None if isinstance(link, L.NStepLSTM): h, c = recurrent_state if unwrap_variable: h = h.array c = c.array # shape: (n_layers, batch_size, out_size) assert h.ndim == 3 assert c.ndim == 3 return (h[:, indices], c[:, indices]) if isinstance(link, (L.NStepGRU, L.NStepRNNReLU, L.NStepRNNTanh)): h = recurrent_state if unwrap_variable: h = h.array # shape: (n_layers, batch_size, out_size) assert h.ndim == 3 return h[:, indices] if isinstance(link, StatelessRecurrent): return link.get_recurrent_state_at( recurrent_state, indices, unwrap_variable) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a recurrent link'.format(link)) def concatenate_recurrent_states(link, split_recurrent_states): if isinstance(link, L.NStepLSTM): # shape: (n_layers, batch_size, out_size) n_layers = link.n_layers out_size = link.out_size xp = link.xp hs = [] cs = [] for srs in split_recurrent_states: if srs is None: h = xp.zeros((n_layers, 1, out_size), dtype=np.float32) c = xp.zeros((n_layers, 1, out_size), dtype=np.float32) else: h, c = srs if h.ndim == 2: assert h.shape == (n_layers, out_size) assert c.shape == (n_layers, out_size) # add batch axis h = h[:, None] c = c[:, None] hs.append(h) cs.append(c) h = F.concat(hs, axis=1) c = F.concat(cs, axis=1) return (h, c) if isinstance(link, (L.NStepGRU, L.NStepRNNReLU, L.NStepRNNTanh)): n_layers = link.n_layers out_size = link.out_size xp = link.xp hs = [] for srs in split_recurrent_states: if srs is None: h = xp.zeros((n_layers, 1, out_size), dtype=np.float32) else: h = srs if h.ndim == 2: assert h.shape == (n_layers, out_size) # add batch axis h = h[:, None] hs.append(h) h = F.concat(hs, axis=1) return h if isinstance(link, StatelessRecurrent): return link.concatenate_recurrent_states(split_recurrent_states) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a recurrent link'.format(link))
[docs]class StatelessRecurrentChainList(StatelessRecurrent, chainer.ChainList): """ChainList that auutomatically handles recurrent states. This link extends chainer.ChainList by adding the `recurrent_children` property that returns all the recurrent child links and implementing recurrent state manimulation methods required for the StatelessRecurrent interface. A recurrent state for this link is defined as a tuple of recurrent states of child recurrent links. """ @cached_property def recurrent_children(self): """Return recurrent child links. Returns: tuple: Tuple of `chainer.Link`s that are recurrent. """ return tuple(child for child in self.children() if is_recurrent_link(child)) def mask_recurrent_state_at(self, recurrent_states, indices): return mask_recurrent_states_of_links_at( self.recurrent_children, recurrent_states, indices) def get_recurrent_state_at( self, recurrent_states, indices, unwrap_variable): return get_recurrent_states_of_links_at( self.recurrent_children, recurrent_states, indices, unwrap_variable) def concatenate_recurrent_states(self, split_recurrent_states): return concatenate_recurrent_states_of_links( self.recurrent_children, split_recurrent_states)