Source code for chainerrl.agents.trpo

import collections
import itertools
from logging import getLogger
import random

import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import numpy as np

import chainerrl
from chainerrl import agent
from chainerrl.agents.ppo import _compute_explained_variance
from chainerrl.agents.ppo import _make_dataset
from chainerrl.agents.ppo import _make_dataset_recurrent
from chainerrl.agents.ppo import _yield_subset_of_sequences_with_fixed_number_of_items  # NOQA
from chainerrl.misc.batch_states import batch_states

def _get_ordered_params(link):
    """Get a list of parameters sorted by parameter names."""
    name_param_pairs = list(link.namedparams())
    ordered_name_param_pairs = sorted(name_param_pairs, key=lambda x: x[0])
    return [x[1] for x in ordered_name_param_pairs]

def _flatten_and_concat_variables(vs):
    """Flatten and concat variables to make a single flat vector variable."""
    return F.concat([F.flatten(v) for v in vs], axis=0)

def _as_ndarray(x):
    """chainer.Variable or ndarray -> ndarray."""
    if isinstance(x, chainer.Variable):
        return x.array
        return x

def _flatten_and_concat_ndarrays(vs):
    """Flatten and concat variables to make a single flat vector ndarray."""
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(vs[0])
    return xp.concatenate([_as_ndarray(v).ravel() for v in vs], axis=0)

def _split_and_reshape_to_ndarrays(flat_v, sizes, shapes):
    """Split and reshape a single flat vector to make a list of ndarrays."""
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(flat_v)
    sections = np.cumsum(sizes)
    vs = xp.split(flat_v, sections)
    return [v.reshape(shape) for v, shape in zip(vs, shapes)]

def _replace_params_data(params, new_params_data):
    """Replace data of params with new data."""
    for param, new_param_data in zip(params, new_params_data):
        assert param.shape == new_param_data.shape
        param.array[:] = new_param_data

def _hessian_vector_product(flat_grads, params, vec):
    """Compute hessian vector product efficiently by backprop."""
    grads = chainer.grad([F.sum(flat_grads * vec)], params)
    assert all(grad is not None for grad in grads),\
        "The Hessian-vector product contains None."
    grads_data = [grad.array for grad in grads]
    return _flatten_and_concat_ndarrays(grads_data)

def _mean_or_nan(xs):
    """Return its mean a non-empty sequence, numpy.nan for a empty one."""
    return np.mean(xs) if xs else np.nan

def _find_old_style_function(outputs):
    """Find old-style functions in the computational graph."""
    found = []
    for v in outputs:
        assert isinstance(v, (chainer.Variable, chainer.variable.VariableNode))
        if v.creator is None:
        if isinstance(v.creator, chainer.Function):
            assert isinstance(v.creator, chainer.FunctionNode)
    return found

[docs]class TRPO(agent.AttributeSavingMixin, agent.Agent): """Trust Region Policy Optimization. A given stochastic policy is optimized by the TRPO algorithm. A given value function is also trained to predict by the TD(lambda) algorithm and used for Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE). Since the policy is optimized via the conjugate gradient method and line search while the value function is optimized via SGD, these two models should be separate. Since TRPO requires second-order derivatives to compute Hessian-vector products, Chainer v3.0.0 or newer is required. In addition, your policy must contain only functions that support second-order derivatives. See for TRPO. See for GAE. Args: policy (Policy): Stochastic policy. Its forward computation must contain only functions that support second-order derivatives. vf (ValueFunction): Value function. vf_optimizer (chainer.Optimizer): Optimizer for the value function. obs_normalizer (chainerrl.links.EmpiricalNormalization or None): If set to chainerrl.links.EmpiricalNormalization, it is used to normalize observations based on the empirical mean and standard deviation of observations. These statistics are updated after computing advantages and target values and before updating the policy and the value function. gamma (float): Discount factor [0, 1] lambd (float): Lambda-return factor [0, 1] phi (callable): Feature extractor function entropy_coef (float): Weight coefficient for entropoy bonus [0, inf) update_interval (int): Interval steps of TRPO iterations. Every after this amount of steps, this agent updates the policy and the value function using data from these steps. vf_epochs (int): Number of epochs for which the value function is trained on each TRPO iteration. vf_batch_size (int): Batch size of SGD for the value function. standardize_advantages (bool): Use standardized advantages on updates line_search_max_backtrack (int): Maximum number of backtracking in line search to tune step sizes of policy updates. conjugate_gradient_max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations in the conjugate gradient method. conjugate_gradient_damping (float): Damping factor used in the conjugate gradient method. act_deterministically (bool): If set to True, choose most probable actions in the act method instead of sampling from distributions. value_stats_window (int): Window size used to compute statistics of value predictions. entropy_stats_window (int): Window size used to compute statistics of entropy of action distributions. kl_stats_window (int): Window size used to compute statistics of KL divergence between old and new policies. policy_step_size_stats_window (int): Window size used to compute statistics of step sizes of policy updates. Statistics: average_value: Average of value predictions on non-terminal states. It's updated before the value function is updated. average_entropy: Average of entropy of action distributions on non-terminal states. It's updated on act_and_train. average_kl: Average of KL divergence between old and new policies. It's updated after the policy is updated. average_policy_step_size: Average of step sizes of policy updates It's updated after the policy is updated. """ saved_attributes = ['policy', 'vf', 'vf_optimizer', 'obs_normalizer'] def __init__(self, policy, vf, vf_optimizer, obs_normalizer=None, gamma=0.99, lambd=0.95, phi=lambda x: x, entropy_coef=0.01, update_interval=2048, max_kl=0.01, vf_epochs=3, vf_batch_size=64, standardize_advantages=True, batch_states=batch_states, recurrent=False, max_recurrent_sequence_len=None, line_search_max_backtrack=10, conjugate_gradient_max_iter=10, conjugate_gradient_damping=1e-2, act_deterministically=False, value_stats_window=1000, entropy_stats_window=1000, kl_stats_window=100, policy_step_size_stats_window=100, logger=getLogger(__name__), ): self.policy = policy self.vf = vf assert policy.xp is vf.xp, 'policy and vf must be on the same device' if recurrent: self.model = chainerrl.links.StatelessRecurrentBranched(policy, vf) else: self.model = chainerrl.links.Branched(policy, vf) if policy.xp is not np: if hasattr(policy, 'device'): # Link.device is available only from chainer v6 self.model.to_device(policy.device) else: self.model.to_gpu(device=policy._device_id) self.vf_optimizer = vf_optimizer self.obs_normalizer = obs_normalizer self.gamma = gamma self.lambd = lambd self.phi = phi self.entropy_coef = entropy_coef self.update_interval = update_interval self.max_kl = max_kl self.vf_epochs = vf_epochs self.vf_batch_size = vf_batch_size self.standardize_advantages = standardize_advantages self.batch_states = batch_states self.recurrent = recurrent self.max_recurrent_sequence_len = max_recurrent_sequence_len self.line_search_max_backtrack = line_search_max_backtrack self.conjugate_gradient_max_iter = conjugate_gradient_max_iter self.conjugate_gradient_damping = conjugate_gradient_damping self.act_deterministically = act_deterministically self.logger = logger self.value_record = collections.deque(maxlen=value_stats_window) self.entropy_record = collections.deque(maxlen=entropy_stats_window) self.kl_record = collections.deque(maxlen=kl_stats_window) self.policy_step_size_record = collections.deque( maxlen=policy_step_size_stats_window) self.explained_variance = np.nan assert self.policy.xp is self.vf.xp,\ 'policy and vf should be in the same device.' if self.obs_normalizer is not None: assert self.policy.xp is self.obs_normalizer.xp,\ 'policy and obs_normalizer should be in the same device.' self.xp = self.policy.xp self.last_state = None self.last_action = None # Contains episodes used for next update iteration self.memory = [] # Contains transitions of the last episode not moved to self.memory yet self.last_episode = [] # Batch versions of last_episode, last_state, and last_action self.batch_last_episode = None self.batch_last_state = None self.batch_last_action = None # Recurrent states of the model self.train_recurrent_states = None self.train_prev_recurrent_states = None self.test_recurrent_states = None def _initialize_batch_variables(self, num_envs): self.batch_last_episode = [[] for _ in range(num_envs)] self.batch_last_state = [None] * num_envs self.batch_last_action = [None] * num_envs def _update_if_dataset_is_ready(self): dataset_size = ( sum(len(episode) for episode in self.memory) + len(self.last_episode) + (0 if self.batch_last_episode is None else sum( len(episode) for episode in self.batch_last_episode))) if dataset_size >= self.update_interval: self._flush_last_episode() if self.recurrent: dataset = _make_dataset_recurrent( episodes=self.memory, model=self.model, phi=self.phi, batch_states=self.batch_states, obs_normalizer=self.obs_normalizer, gamma=self.gamma, lambd=self.lambd, max_recurrent_sequence_len=self.max_recurrent_sequence_len, ) self._update_recurrent(dataset) else: dataset = _make_dataset( episodes=self.memory, model=self.model, phi=self.phi, batch_states=self.batch_states, obs_normalizer=self.obs_normalizer, gamma=self.gamma, lambd=self.lambd, ) assert len(dataset) == dataset_size self._update(dataset) self.explained_variance = _compute_explained_variance( list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.memory))) self.memory = [] def _flush_last_episode(self): if self.last_episode: self.memory.append(self.last_episode) self.last_episode = [] if self.batch_last_episode: for i, episode in enumerate(self.batch_last_episode): if episode: self.memory.append(episode) self.batch_last_episode[i] = [] def _update(self, dataset): """Update both the policy and the value function.""" if self.obs_normalizer: self._update_obs_normalizer(dataset) self._update_policy(dataset) self._update_vf(dataset) def _update_recurrent(self, dataset): """Update both the policy and the value function.""" flat_dataset = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dataset)) if self.obs_normalizer: self._update_obs_normalizer(flat_dataset) self._update_policy_recurrent(dataset) self._update_vf_recurrent(dataset) def _update_vf_recurrent(self, dataset): for epoch in range(self.vf_epochs): random.shuffle(dataset) for minibatch in _yield_subset_of_sequences_with_fixed_number_of_items( # NOQA dataset, self.vf_batch_size): self._update_vf_once_recurrent(minibatch) def _update_vf_once_recurrent(self, episodes): xp = self.model.xp flat_transitions = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(episodes)) # Prepare data for a recurrent model seqs_states = [] for ep in episodes: states = self.batch_states( [transition['state'] for transition in ep], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: states = self.obs_normalizer(states, update=False) seqs_states.append(states) flat_vs_teacher = xp.array( [[transition['v_teacher']] for transition in flat_transitions], dtype=np.float32) with chainer.using_config('train', False),\ chainer.no_backprop_mode(): vf_rs = self.vf.concatenate_recurrent_states( [ep[0]['recurrent_state'][1] for ep in episodes]) flat_vs_pred, _ = self.vf.n_step_forward( seqs_states, recurrent_state=vf_rs, output_mode='concat') vf_loss = F.mean_squared_error(flat_vs_pred, flat_vs_teacher) self.vf_optimizer.update(lambda: vf_loss) def _update_obs_normalizer(self, dataset): assert self.obs_normalizer states = batch_states( [b['state'] for b in dataset], self.obs_normalizer.xp, self.phi) self.obs_normalizer.experience(states) def _update_vf(self, dataset): """Update the value function using a given dataset. The value function is updated via SGD to minimize TD(lambda) errors. """ xp = self.vf.xp assert 'state' in dataset[0] assert 'v_teacher' in dataset[0] dataset_iter = chainer.iterators.SerialIterator( dataset, self.vf_batch_size) while dataset_iter.epoch < self.vf_epochs: batch = dataset_iter.__next__() states = batch_states([b['state'] for b in batch], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: states = self.obs_normalizer(states, update=False) vs_teacher = xp.array( [b['v_teacher'] for b in batch], dtype=xp.float32) vs_pred = self.vf(states) vf_loss = F.mean_squared_error(vs_pred, vs_teacher[..., None]) self.vf_optimizer.update(lambda: vf_loss) def _compute_gain(self, log_prob, log_prob_old, entropy, advs): """Compute a gain to maximize.""" prob_ratio = F.exp(log_prob - log_prob_old) mean_entropy = F.mean(entropy) surrogate_gain = F.mean(prob_ratio * advs) return surrogate_gain + self.entropy_coef * mean_entropy def _update_policy(self, dataset): """Update the policy using a given dataset. The policy is updated via CG and line search. """ assert 'state' in dataset[0] assert 'action' in dataset[0] assert 'adv' in dataset[0] # Use full-batch xp = self.policy.xp states = batch_states([b['state'] for b in dataset], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: states = self.obs_normalizer(states, update=False) actions = xp.array([b['action'] for b in dataset]) advs = xp.array([b['adv'] for b in dataset], dtype=np.float32) if self.standardize_advantages: mean_advs = xp.mean(advs) std_advs = xp.std(advs) advs = (advs - mean_advs) / (std_advs + 1e-8) # Recompute action distributions for batch backprop action_distrib = self.policy(states) log_prob_old = xp.array( [transition['log_prob'] for transition in dataset], dtype=np.float32) gain = self._compute_gain( log_prob=action_distrib.log_prob(actions), log_prob_old=log_prob_old, entropy=action_distrib.entropy, advs=advs) # Distribution to compute KL div against action_distrib_old = action_distrib.copy() full_step = self._compute_kl_constrained_step( action_distrib=action_distrib, action_distrib_old=action_distrib_old, gain=gain) self._line_search( full_step=full_step, dataset=dataset, advs=advs, action_distrib_old=action_distrib_old, gain=gain) def _update_policy_recurrent(self, dataset): """Update the policy using a given dataset. The policy is updated via CG and line search. """ xp = self.model.xp flat_transitions = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dataset)) # Prepare data for a recurrent model seqs_states = [] for ep in dataset: states = self.batch_states( [transition['state'] for transition in ep], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: states = self.obs_normalizer(states, update=False) seqs_states.append(states) flat_actions = xp.array( [transition['action'] for transition in flat_transitions]) flat_advs = xp.array( [transition['adv'] for transition in flat_transitions], dtype=np.float32) if self.standardize_advantages: mean_advs = xp.mean(flat_advs) std_advs = xp.std(flat_advs) flat_advs = (flat_advs - mean_advs) / (std_advs + 1e-8) with chainer.using_config('train', False),\ chainer.no_backprop_mode(): policy_rs = self.policy.concatenate_recurrent_states( [ep[0]['recurrent_state'][0] for ep in dataset]) flat_distribs, _ = self.policy.n_step_forward( seqs_states, recurrent_state=policy_rs, output_mode='concat') log_prob_old = xp.array( [transition['log_prob'] for transition in flat_transitions], dtype=np.float32) gain = self._compute_gain( log_prob=flat_distribs.log_prob(flat_actions), log_prob_old=log_prob_old, entropy=flat_distribs.entropy, advs=flat_advs) # Distribution to compute KL div against action_distrib_old = flat_distribs.copy() full_step = self._compute_kl_constrained_step( action_distrib=flat_distribs, action_distrib_old=action_distrib_old, gain=gain) self._line_search( full_step=full_step, dataset=dataset, advs=flat_advs, action_distrib_old=action_distrib_old, gain=gain) def _compute_kl_constrained_step(self, action_distrib, action_distrib_old, gain): """Compute a step of policy parameters with a KL constraint.""" policy_params = _get_ordered_params(self.policy) kl = F.mean(action_distrib_old.kl(action_distrib)) # Check if kl computation fully supports double backprop old_style_funcs = _find_old_style_function([kl]) if old_style_funcs: raise RuntimeError("""\ Old-style functions (chainer.Function) are used to compute KL divergence. Since TRPO requires second-order derivative of KL divergence, its computation should be done with new-style functions (chainer.FunctionNode) only. Found old-style functions: {}""".format(old_style_funcs)) kl_grads = chainer.grad([kl], policy_params, enable_double_backprop=True) assert all(g is not None for g in kl_grads), "\ The gradient contains None. The policy may have unused parameters." flat_kl_grads = _flatten_and_concat_variables(kl_grads) def fisher_vector_product_func(vec): fvp = _hessian_vector_product(flat_kl_grads, policy_params, vec) return fvp + self.conjugate_gradient_damping * vec gain_grads = chainer.grad([gain], policy_params) assert all(g is not None for g in kl_grads), "\ The gradient contains None. The policy may have unused parameters." flat_gain_grads = _flatten_and_concat_ndarrays(gain_grads) step_direction = chainerrl.misc.conjugate_gradient( fisher_vector_product_func, flat_gain_grads, max_iter=self.conjugate_gradient_max_iter, ) # We want a step size that satisfies KL(old|new) < max_kl. # Let d = alpha * step_direction be the actual parameter updates. # The second-order approximation of KL divergence is: # KL(old|new) = 1/2 d^T I d + O(||d||^3), # where I is a Fisher information matrix. # Substitute d = alpha * step_direction and solve KL(old|new) = max_kl # for alpha to get the step size that tightly satisfies the constraint. dId = float( fisher_vector_product_func(step_direction))) scale = (2.0 * self.max_kl / (dId + 1e-8)) ** 0.5 return scale * step_direction def _line_search(self, full_step, dataset, advs, action_distrib_old, gain): """Do line search for a safe step size.""" xp = self.policy.xp policy_params = _get_ordered_params(self.policy) policy_params_sizes = [param.size for param in policy_params] policy_params_shapes = [param.shape for param in policy_params] step_size = 1.0 flat_params = _flatten_and_concat_ndarrays(policy_params) if self.recurrent: seqs_states = [] for ep in dataset: states = self.batch_states( [transition['state'] for transition in ep], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: states = self.obs_normalizer(states, update=False) seqs_states.append(states) with chainer.using_config('train', False),\ chainer.no_backprop_mode(): policy_rs = self.policy.concatenate_recurrent_states( [ep[0]['recurrent_state'][0] for ep in dataset]) def evaluate_current_policy(): distrib, _ = self.policy.n_step_forward( seqs_states, recurrent_state=policy_rs, output_mode='concat') return distrib else: states = self.batch_states( [transition['state'] for transition in dataset], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: states = self.obs_normalizer(states, update=False) def evaluate_current_policy(): return self.policy(states) flat_transitions = (list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dataset)) if self.recurrent else dataset) actions = xp.array( [transition['action'] for transition in flat_transitions]) log_prob_old = xp.array( [transition['log_prob'] for transition in flat_transitions], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(self.line_search_max_backtrack + 1): 'Line search iteration: %s step size: %s', i, step_size) new_flat_params = flat_params + step_size * full_step new_params = _split_and_reshape_to_ndarrays( new_flat_params, sizes=policy_params_sizes, shapes=policy_params_shapes, ) _replace_params_data(policy_params, new_params) with chainer.using_config('train', False),\ chainer.no_backprop_mode(): new_action_distrib = evaluate_current_policy() new_gain = self._compute_gain( log_prob=new_action_distrib.log_prob(actions), log_prob_old=log_prob_old, entropy=new_action_distrib.entropy, advs=advs) new_kl = F.mean(action_distrib_old.kl(new_action_distrib)) improve = new_gain.array - gain.array 'Surrogate objective improve: %s', float(improve))'KL divergence: %s', float(new_kl.array)) if not xp.isfinite(new_gain.array): "Surrogate objective is not finite. Bakctracking...") elif not xp.isfinite(new_kl.array): "KL divergence is not finite. Bakctracking...") elif improve < 0: "Surrogate objective didn't improve. Bakctracking...") elif float(new_kl.array) > self.max_kl: "KL divergence exceeds max_kl. Bakctracking...") else: self.kl_record.append(float(new_kl.array)) self.policy_step_size_record.append(step_size) break step_size *= 0.5 else:"\ Line search coundn't find a good step size. The policy was not updated.") self.policy_step_size_record.append(0.) _replace_params_data( policy_params, _split_and_reshape_to_ndarrays( flat_params, sizes=policy_params_sizes, shapes=policy_params_shapes), ) def act_and_train(self, obs, reward): if self.last_state is not None: transition = { 'state': self.last_state, 'action': self.last_action, 'reward': reward, 'next_state': obs, 'nonterminal': 1.0, } if self.recurrent: transition['recurrent_state'] =\ self.model.get_recurrent_state_at( self.train_prev_recurrent_states, 0, unwrap_variable=True) self.train_prev_recurrent_states = None transition['next_recurrent_state'] =\ self.model.get_recurrent_state_at( self.train_recurrent_states, 0, unwrap_variable=True) self.last_episode.append(transition) self._update_if_dataset_is_ready() xp = self.xp b_state = self.batch_states([obs], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: b_state = self.obs_normalizer(b_state, update=False) # action_distrib will be recomputed when computing gradients with chainer.using_config('train', False), chainer.no_backprop_mode(): if self.recurrent: assert self.train_prev_recurrent_states is None self.train_prev_recurrent_states = self.train_recurrent_states (action_distrib, value), self.train_recurrent_states =\ self.model(b_state, self.train_prev_recurrent_states) else: action_distrib, value = self.model(b_state) action = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(action_distrib.sample().array)[0] self.entropy_record.append(float(action_distrib.entropy.array)) self.value_record.append(float(value.array)) self.last_state = obs self.last_action = action return action def act(self, obs): xp = self.xp b_state = self.batch_states([obs], xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: b_state = self.obs_normalizer(b_state, update=False) with chainer.using_config('train', False), chainer.no_backprop_mode(): if self.recurrent: action_distrib, self.test_recurrent_states =\ self.policy(b_state, self.test_recurrent_states) else: action_distrib = self.policy(b_state) if self.act_deterministically: action = chainer.cuda.to_cpu( action_distrib.most_probable.array)[0] else: action = chainer.cuda.to_cpu( action_distrib.sample().array)[0] return action def stop_episode_and_train(self, state, reward, done=False): assert self.last_state is not None transition = { 'state': self.last_state, 'action': self.last_action, 'reward': reward, 'next_state': state, 'nonterminal': 0.0 if done else 1.0, } if self.recurrent: transition['recurrent_state'] = self.model.get_recurrent_state_at( self.train_prev_recurrent_states, 0, unwrap_variable=True) self.train_prev_recurrent_states = None transition['next_recurrent_state'] =\ self.model.get_recurrent_state_at( self.train_recurrent_states, 0, unwrap_variable=True) self.train_recurrent_states = None self.last_episode.append(transition) self.last_state = None self.last_action = None self._flush_last_episode() self.stop_episode() self._update_if_dataset_is_ready() def stop_episode(self): self.test_recurrent_states = None def batch_act(self, batch_obs): xp = self.xp b_state = self.batch_states(batch_obs, xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: b_state = self.obs_normalizer(b_state, update=False) with chainer.using_config('train', False), chainer.no_backprop_mode(): if self.recurrent: (action_distrib, _), self.test_recurrent_states = self.model( b_state, self.test_recurrent_states) else: action_distrib, _ = self.model(b_state) if self.act_deterministically: action = chainer.cuda.to_cpu( action_distrib.most_probable.array) else: action = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(action_distrib.sample().array) return action def batch_act_and_train(self, batch_obs): xp = self.xp b_state = self.batch_states(batch_obs, xp, self.phi) if self.obs_normalizer: b_state = self.obs_normalizer(b_state, update=False) num_envs = len(batch_obs) if self.batch_last_episode is None: self._initialize_batch_variables(num_envs) assert len(self.batch_last_episode) == num_envs assert len(self.batch_last_state) == num_envs assert len(self.batch_last_action) == num_envs # action_distrib will be recomputed when computing gradients with chainer.using_config('train', False), chainer.no_backprop_mode(): if self.recurrent: assert self.train_prev_recurrent_states is None self.train_prev_recurrent_states = self.train_recurrent_states (action_distrib, batch_value), self.train_recurrent_states =\ self.model(b_state, self.train_prev_recurrent_states) else: action_distrib, batch_value = self.model(b_state) batch_action = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(action_distrib.sample().array) self.entropy_record.extend( chainer.cuda.to_cpu(action_distrib.entropy.array)) self.value_record.extend(chainer.cuda.to_cpu((batch_value.array))) self.batch_last_state = list(batch_obs) self.batch_last_action = list(batch_action) return batch_action def batch_observe(self, batch_obs, batch_reward, batch_done, batch_reset): if self.recurrent: # Reset recurrent states when episodes end indices_that_ended = [ i for i, (done, reset) in enumerate(zip(batch_done, batch_reset)) if done or reset] if indices_that_ended: self.test_recurrent_states =\ self.model.mask_recurrent_state_at( self.test_recurrent_states, indices_that_ended) def batch_observe_and_train(self, batch_obs, batch_reward, batch_done, batch_reset): for i, (state, action, reward, next_state, done, reset) in enumerate(zip( # NOQA self.batch_last_state, self.batch_last_action, batch_reward, batch_obs, batch_done, batch_reset, )): if state is not None: assert action is not None transition = { 'state': state, 'action': action, 'reward': reward, 'next_state': next_state, 'nonterminal': 0.0 if done else 1.0, } if self.recurrent: transition['recurrent_state'] =\ self.model.get_recurrent_state_at( self.train_prev_recurrent_states, i, unwrap_variable=True) transition['next_recurrent_state'] =\ self.model.get_recurrent_state_at( self.train_recurrent_states, i, unwrap_variable=True) self.batch_last_episode[i].append(transition) if done or reset: assert self.batch_last_episode[i] self.memory.append(self.batch_last_episode[i]) self.batch_last_episode[i] = [] self.batch_last_state[i] = None self.batch_last_action[i] = None self.train_prev_recurrent_states = None if self.recurrent: # Reset recurrent states when episodes end indices_that_ended = [ i for i, (done, reset) in enumerate(zip(batch_done, batch_reset)) if done or reset] if indices_that_ended: self.train_recurrent_states =\ self.model.mask_recurrent_state_at( self.train_recurrent_states, indices_that_ended) self._update_if_dataset_is_ready() def get_statistics(self): return [ ('average_value', _mean_or_nan(self.value_record)), ('average_entropy', _mean_or_nan(self.entropy_record)), ('average_kl', _mean_or_nan(self.kl_record)), ('average_policy_step_size', _mean_or_nan(self.policy_step_size_record)), ('explained_variance', self.explained_variance), ]