Source code for chainerrl.action_value

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from abc import abstractproperty
import warnings

from cached_property import cached_property
import chainer
from chainer import cuda
from chainer import functions as F
import numpy as np

[docs]class ActionValue(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Struct that holds state-fixed Q-functions and its subproducts. Every operation it supports is done in a batch manner. """ @abstractproperty def greedy_actions(self): """Get argmax_a Q(s,a).""" raise NotImplementedError() @abstractproperty def max(self): """Evaluate max Q(s,a).""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate_actions(self, actions): """Evaluate Q(s,a) with a = given actions.""" raise NotImplementedError()
@abstractproperty def params(self): """Learnable parameters of this action value. Returns: tuple of chainer.Variable """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DiscreteActionValue(ActionValue): """Q-function output for discrete action space. Args: q_values (ndarray or chainer.Variable): Array of Q values whose shape is (batchsize, n_actions) """ def __init__(self, q_values, q_values_formatter=lambda x: x): assert isinstance(q_values, chainer.Variable) self.xp = cuda.get_array_module(q_values.array) self.q_values = q_values self.n_actions = q_values.array.shape[1] self.q_values_formatter = q_values_formatter @cached_property def greedy_actions(self): return chainer.Variable( self.q_values.array.argmax(axis=1).astype(np.int32)) @cached_property def max(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): return F.select_item(self.q_values, self.greedy_actions) def evaluate_actions(self, actions): return F.select_item(self.q_values, actions) def compute_advantage(self, actions): return self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.max def compute_double_advantage(self, actions, argmax_actions): return (self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.evaluate_actions(argmax_actions)) def compute_expectation(self, beta): return F.sum(F.softmax(beta * self.q_values) * self.q_values, axis=1) def __repr__(self): return 'DiscreteActionValue greedy_actions:{} q_values:{}'.format( self.greedy_actions.array, self.q_values_formatter(self.q_values.array)) @property def params(self): return (self.q_values,) def __getitem__(self, i): return DiscreteActionValue( self.q_values[i], q_values_formatter=self.q_values_formatter)
class DistributionalDiscreteActionValue(ActionValue): """distributional Q-function output for discrete action space. Args: q_dist (chainer.Variable): Probabilities of atoms. Its shape must be (batchsize, n_actions, n_atoms). z_values (ndarray): Values represented by atoms. Its shape must be (n_atoms,). """ def __init__(self, q_dist, z_values, q_values_formatter=lambda x: x): assert isinstance(q_dist, chainer.Variable) assert not isinstance(z_values, chainer.Variable) assert q_dist.ndim == 3 assert z_values.ndim == 1 assert q_dist.shape[2] == z_values.shape[0] self.xp = cuda.get_array_module(q_dist.array) self.z_values = z_values self.q_values = F.sum(F.scale(q_dist, self.z_values, axis=2), axis=2) self.q_dist = q_dist self.n_actions = q_dist.array.shape[1] self.q_values_formatter = q_values_formatter @cached_property def greedy_actions(self): return chainer.Variable( self.q_values.array.argmax(axis=1).astype(np.int32)) @cached_property def max(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): return F.select_item(self.q_values, self.greedy_actions) @cached_property def max_as_distribution(self): """Return the return distributions of the greedy actions. Returns: chainer.Variable: Return distributions. Its shape will be (batch_size, n_atoms). """ with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): return self.q_dist[self.xp.arange(self.q_values.shape[0]), self.greedy_actions.array] def evaluate_actions(self, actions): return F.select_item(self.q_values, actions) def evaluate_actions_as_distribution(self, actions): """Return the return distributions of given actions. Args: actions (chainer.Variable or ndarray): Array of action indices. Its shape must be (batch_size,). Returns: chainer.Variable: Return distributions. Its shape will be (batch_size, n_atoms). """ return self.q_dist[self.xp.arange(self.q_values.shape[0]), actions] def compute_advantage(self, actions): return self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.max def compute_double_advantage(self, actions, argmax_actions): return (self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.evaluate_actions(argmax_actions)) def compute_expectation(self, beta): return F.sum(F.softmax(beta * self.q_values) * self.q_values, axis=1) def __repr__(self): return 'DistributionalDiscreteActionValue greedy_actions:{} q_values:{}'.format( # NOQA self.greedy_actions.array, self.q_values_formatter(self.q_values.array)) @property def params(self): return (self.q_dist,) def __getitem__(self, i): return DistributionalDiscreteActionValue( self.q_dist[i], self.z_values, q_values_formatter=self.q_values_formatter, ) class QuantileDiscreteActionValue(DiscreteActionValue): """Quantile action value for discrete actions. Args: quantiles (chainer.Variable): (batch_size, n_taus, n_actions) q_values_formatter (callable): """ def __init__(self, quantiles, q_values_formatter=lambda x: x): assert quantiles.ndim == 3 self.quantiles = quantiles self.xp = cuda.get_array_module(quantiles.array) self.n_actions = quantiles.shape[2] self.q_values_formatter = q_values_formatter @cached_property def q_values(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): return F.mean(self.quantiles, axis=1) def evaluate_actions_as_quantiles(self, actions): """Return the return quantiles of given actions. Args: actions (chainer.Variable or ndarray): Array of action indices. Its shape must be (batch_size,). Returns: chainer.Variable: Return quantiles. Its shape will be (batch_size, n_taus). """ if isinstance(actions, chainer.Variable): actions = actions.array return self.quantiles[ self.xp.arange(self.quantiles.shape[0]), :, actions] def __repr__(self): return 'QuantileDiscreteActionValue greedy_actions:{} q_values:{}'.format( # NOQA self.greedy_actions.array, self.q_values_formatter(self.q_values.array)) @property def params(self): return (self.quantiles,) def __getitem__(self, i): return QuantileDiscreteActionValue( quantiles=self.quantiles[i], q_values_formatter=self.q_values_formatter, )
[docs]class QuadraticActionValue(ActionValue): """Q-function output for continuous action space. See: Define a Q(s,a) with A(s,a) in a quadratic form. Q(s,a) = V(s,a) + A(s,a) A(s,a) = -1/2 (u - mu(s))^T P(s) (u - mu(s)) Args: mu (chainer.Variable): mu(s), actions that maximize A(s,a) mat (chainer.Variable): P(s), coefficient matrices of A(s,a). It must be positive definite. v (chainer.Variable): V(s), values of s min_action (ndarray): mininum action, not batched max_action (ndarray): maximum action, not batched """ def __init__(self, mu, mat, v, min_action=None, max_action=None): self.xp = cuda.get_array_module(mu.array) = mu self.mat = mat self.v = v if min_action is None: self.min_action = None else: self.min_action = self.xp.asarray(min_action, dtype=np.float32) if max_action is None: self.max_action = None else: self.max_action = self.xp.asarray(max_action, dtype=np.float32) self.batch_size =[0] @cached_property def greedy_actions(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): a = if self.min_action is not None: a = F.maximum( self.xp.broadcast_to(self.min_action, a.array.shape), a) if self.max_action is not None: a = F.minimum( self.xp.broadcast_to(self.max_action, a.array.shape), a) return a @cached_property def max(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): if self.min_action is None and self.max_action is None: return F.reshape(self.v, (self.batch_size,)) else: return self.evaluate_actions(self.greedy_actions) def evaluate_actions(self, actions): u_minus_mu = actions - a = - 0.5 * \ F.matmul(F.matmul( u_minus_mu[:, None, :], self.mat), u_minus_mu[:, :, None])[:, 0, 0] return a + F.reshape(self.v, (self.batch_size,)) def compute_advantage(self, actions): return self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.max def compute_double_advantage(self, actions, argmax_actions): return (self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.evaluate_actions(argmax_actions)) def __repr__(self): return 'QuadraticActionValue greedy_actions:{} v:{}'.format( self.greedy_actions.array, self.v.array) @property def params(self): return (, self.mat, self.v) def __getitem__(self, i): return QuadraticActionValue([i], self.mat[i], self.v[i], min_action=self.min_action, max_action=self.max_action, )
[docs]class SingleActionValue(ActionValue): """ActionValue that can evaluate only a single action.""" def __init__(self, evaluator, maximizer=None): self.evaluator = evaluator self.maximizer = maximizer @cached_property def greedy_actions(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): return self.maximizer() @cached_property def max(self): with chainer.force_backprop_mode(): return self.evaluator(self.greedy_actions) def evaluate_actions(self, actions): return self.evaluator(actions) def compute_advantage(self, actions): return self.evaluator(actions) - self.max def compute_double_advantage(self, actions, argmax_actions): return (self.evaluate_actions(actions) - self.evaluate_actions(argmax_actions)) def __repr__(self): return 'SingleActionValue' @property def params(self): warnings.warn( 'SingleActionValue has no learnable parameters until it' ' is evaluated on some action. If you want to draw a computation' ' graph that outputs SingleActionValue, use the variable returned' ' by its method such as evaluate_actions instead.') return () def __getitem__(self, i): raise NotImplementedError